Nvidia Vs AMD Radeon Graphics

From ages this dispute have been arising and giving headache to graphics lovers.
here we will sort out this matter discussing it further.
here we go
ATI RADEON ....nope its AMD RADEON now has a very powerful gaming background as we can see the gaming rigs being built always prefers AMD graphics .i myself have used laptops with both AMD RADEON and nVIDIA graphics.
the AMD was far better and fast than the nVIDIA graphics. Both were 2GB discrete graphics. the main aim of AMD is gaming nothing more and it provides much more customization than poor nVIDIA..whose control panel gets hijacked by integrated graphics...sad..(cant even provide its full use).
the only thing you get with nVIDIA is CUDA cores useful for video conversion (that's of no use when you don't even convert a video to watch). AMD nowadays includes a built-in powerful video converter in its control panel and quite useful if you missed it just install AVIVO codec and you will get to utilize your powerful AMD for video conversion.
nVIDIA: All rounder but without perfection.
AMD RADEON: Built for one purpose gaming and nothing else........
